Wednesday, March 5, 2008

flowers with dew

flowers with dew
Originally uploaded by jk10976
As the winter season is finally winding down, I look forward to longer days and the bursting of new life that spring brings forth.

May those April showers brings lots and lots of May flowers.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

7-1/2 Habits

It was very helpful and inspirational to begin Learning 2.0 with the list of habits that successful lifelong leaners exhibit. For me, the habit which is the easiest is, "Accept responsibility for your own learning." I understand the importance of investing time and effort into learning a new skill, and I am willing to do what it takes to learn about social networking tools. However, since I have just a basic level of knowledge of computer technology, I would have to say that Habit #6, "Use technology to your advantage," is one of the hardest for me to practice. I hope to overcome this deficit by completing the exercises in this program and through the help and support of my colleagues.